3 results for month: 02/2023

Southern Blues Restoration project awarded funding from Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership

BMFP participated with other partners to develop this Joint Chiefs proposal for the Southern Blues Restoration project on the Malheur National Forest, and we're excited for the opportunities it will provide to perform restoration work on public and private lands in Grant County.


“Since its enactment, the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program has demonstrated resounding success in building partnerships, restoring large landscapes, and providing rural community socioeconomic well-being. WELC is pleased to support reauthorization and expansion of this incredible program, and Senators Merkley and Crapo are to be commended for their steadfast advocacy for the Program,” said Susan Brown, Wildlands Program Director & Senior Staff Attorney of Western Environmental Law Center.

Collaborative Restoration on the Malheur National Forest

We’re working collaboratively to restore the southern Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon. This area has suffered from 100 years of fire suppression, logging, and unregulated grazing, causing a landscape of dense forests and heavy fuel loading. Our restoration work aims to remove young trees and promote the survival of old trees, while re-introducing low intensity surface fire to reduce fuels and protect communities. Explore the benefits of our work on the Malheur National Forest in this interactive story map created by our partners at the Oregon State University: